Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Twenty- Two



Relax ,

I know things have not been easy for you and you're yearning for a break.
When you were younger you were convinced that at 22 you would have a great job, a car and an amazing boyfriend.
Girl, you didn't know what was coming.
The journey has been painful, you have fallen a million times and have gotten battered and bruised but look;
you're still here,
still hopeful and stronger than ever.
You've had to learn hard lessons;
lost friends you though would be there forever,
fell inlove with a couple of frogs who couldn't jump to your level of greatness.
But that's okay because despite all that; you still believe that you are
There's been days where you slept on yourself and as a result people could not recognise your shine;
You are human!
You are allowed to be dull and down on some days.
You're allowed to fail, as long as you try again.
You are Beautiful Mbali,
you don't tell yourself that enough.
Your ability to see the greatness in everyone is sensational.
Your faith is phenomenal
You've worked hard to get to where you are today.
So celebrate your small victories and keep your head up.
The L's will come, you just need to keep it moving because
The Wins will be Greater.
-Love, Yourself