Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Fight For Your Dreams.

                                                             The Fight For Your Dreams

I refuse to believe that a human being can be born without a dream.
The human species seem to be driven by the innate desire for prosperity, that is what motivates us and separates us from the other living organisms on this planet.

As  children we have these ridiculous and over-imaginative dreams of becoming superheros or princesses and as we grow our dreams take on different shapes, we start being more realistic about what we aspire to be and we start working towards those dreams. 
Sometimes people give up on their dreams from a very young age or settle for a life that is different from what they had hoped for because their dreams are  seemingly impossible. Most of the time this is due to current circumstances and the environment that makes one think that it is impossible to make his dream a reality.

Listen; It is possible!
Never let your circumstances define you or keep you from fighting for the life you want to live.  I believe that the biggest reason behind many people giving up on their dreams is not just circumstances but thinking that the journey towards you dreams is going to be easy. The Journey to your dreams is one of the toughest challenges that a human being will ever face in his or her existence. It involves sacrifice, pain, hard work, patience, consistency and faith.

This is a War, and you need to fight with everything that you got, yes you will be bruised and battered until you feel like you have lost the battle and want to give up. But a great warrior fights back until he is dead. As long as you are living and breathing; the fight for your dreams should continue.
What is the point of being a Soldier in a war and not fighting?. Likewise there is no point in living on Earth if you not living the life you want to live.

I would rather die fighting for the life that I desire than settle for a mediocre life that I had not imaged for myself. Because one day I will cease to exist and face the king who had placed me on this Earth to fight for my dreams, and he will ask...

"Where are your wounds?"

Love, Marcia Monareng.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Liberation That Comes With Being Yourself.

                                          The Liberation That Comes With Being Yourself. 

Most of us go through life questioning our abilities and comparing  our strengths to that of others,
    we feel inadequate and thus find comfort in conformity, self-pity as well as in fitting in. The sooner 
we realize and acknowledge the fact that we are all different; the better
our chances of reaching our full potential. We get driven into wearing these 'masks' that have
 been designed for us by society, masks that reflect the opposite of who we are and what
we stand for so that we can be accepted.
    Acceptance is defined as the process or fact of being received as valid, suitable or adequate. 
      But is being valid, suitable and adequate to others more important than the happiness that comes with being yourself?

There is freedom that comes with being yourself; as one is no longer imprisoned by the shackles of  conformity.
Yes, it is not always easy being an outsider, however one should not compromise ones' self in order to please others. The fact is that people will always have something to say and not everyone will love you, so rather have them hate you for being yourself than someone else.

We are all gifted and beautiful in our own  unique way. One must appreciate his abilities and blessings because in as much as you desire the gifts and talents of someone else, there is someone out there that would kill to be you.

So I urge you to take pride in yourself and be the best person that you can be because no one else can do you as best as you do!

Love Marcia Monareng.