Friday, September 27, 2013



 Regret is a feeling of disappointment and shame, the feeling of sadness for something that one has done or failed to do...

I'm sure most of us have gone through situations or made decisions that left us feeling ashamed and regretful , does that make us failures in life? 
Ofcos Not!
It important for us to understand that the mistakes we make and wrong decisions we take in life serve as guidelines of what Not to do in future.Giving up and feeling regretful is so easy,it takes courage to learn from your mistakes and rectify them.
Most of the time we become self-destructive after having done something that we feel is unforgivable. We thus forget that everything we go through; good and bad serves as valuable life lessons not only to ones' self but to others around you. I often think of life as being a test, at times we perform very poorly but an intelligent student knows that he or she needs to work ten times harder for the next test in order to pass. Likewise in life we go through situations that test us, and we may fail at some of them which may leave us feeling regretful, however we need to learn from our past failures and channel our energy into doing better and not making the same mistakes.

I've made a lot of wrong decisions myself and it is a constant battle dealing with the consequences of my wrong actions and decisions .The only way that one can conquer this battle is to move on and find alternative ways to improve one's current situation.
everyone makes mistakes it is an essential part of growth, besides how will you know what is right if you do not know what is wrong?

Focus on bettering the  future and forget about the past!!!!

Love, Marcia Monareng.