Friday, December 13, 2013



"A great source of anxiety for young people making their way in the world today is  the mindless advice that is regularly rolled out by professional advice-givers and well-meaning but misguided friends and relatives.

There is an awful lot of bad advice knocking about" - Darrel Bristow-Bovey -

Some people may give you advice with good intentions and some may give you advice to lead you astray intentionally, it is up to you to distinguish between the two. You should always bare in mind that not all the advice you receive from people is "good advice" .
Be careful who you run to for advice  when you have problems because some people find joy in your  pain.

It is also very important for an individual to have a vision about where one sees himself in future. This will give one a sense of direction and this will allow one to travel confidently in the direction of his or her dreams and ultimately living the life he or she had 

only you know exactly where you want to be!

Love, Marcia Monareng.

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